The MalaCast

At the moment, criticizing “the left” has nothing inherent to do with conservatism. It’s a basic question of sanity. -Bret Weinstein

I want my kids to go to a school where all their teachers wear sidearms and outside there is a sign that says, “All our teachers wear sidearms.”

 It means something that the left in one era burns the flag over Vietnam, kneels during the Anthem because of Treyvon or whoever, raises the black power fist, won't come out during the Anthem over mass shootings.  The left always makes the national symbol the target of the protest.  Pro-lifers never did this.

"We must always ask ourselves whether as citizens we have earned what those who died at Shiloh or in the Meuse-Argonne gave us."

"It is not sustainable for the nation's privileged to sit in disgust for a flag that their betters raised under fire on Iwo Jima for others not yet born." Victor Davis Hanson, The Dying Citizen

Direct download: 2022-05-31_05-57-14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:17am EDT

“Those who cannot face danger like men are the slaves of any invader.” -Aristotle

An evil sob murdered 21 and injured 17 in Texas.

Why is this happening?

“We must go home to be happy, and our home is not in this world. Here we have nothing to do but our duty.” -John Jay

Direct download: 2022-05-27_06-33-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:10am EDT

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I?  -Hillel the Elder, circa 50 BC

Astronomy contains no wisdom.

A man died at the Brooklyn Half Marathon a few days ago.  Many people are happy to jump to conclusions about it instead of asking some basic questions and doing the boring thing of finding answers.

“Previous civilizations have been overthrown from without by the incursion of barbarian hordes... Our barbarians are home products, indoctrinated at the public expense, urged on by the media systematically stage by stage..." -Malcolm Muggeridge, 1980

Direct download: 2022-05-24_05-44-08.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05am EDT

It will be in vain for the rest of us, speaking simply as men, to say, "but this punishment is hideously unjust, hideously disproportionate to the criminal's deserts". The experts with perfect logic will reply, "but nobody was talking about deserts. No one was talking about punishment in your archaic vindictive sense of the word. Here are the statistics proving that this treatment deters. Here are the statistics proving that this other treatment cures. What is your trouble?" --CS Lewis, 1954

The terrible thing about a false accusation is that, even when we believe the innocence of the accused, we’re never quite as sure of that innocence as we were prior to the accusation. It raises a faint, durable doubt.

Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over--a weary, battered old brontosaurus--and became extinct. -Leslie Fiedler, pre-1980

Direct download: 2022-05-19_16-41-32.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

"To put it quite clearly: we have an economic programme. Point No. 13 in that programme demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism. ... the basic principle of my Party's economic programme should be made perfectly clear and that is the principle of authority... the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual.” -Adolf Hitler, 1931

Some remarkable facts about the Buffalo shooting and the reaction to it.

"...when ships were made of wood and men were made of iron."  -unknwon

Direct download: 2022-05-17_06-41-34.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:15am EDT

“There's a phenomenon/fallacy I think might not have a name. The basic formula is "If only everyone would X, there'd be no Y." It has frequent appearances in progressive, conservative, and libertarian/anarcho- discourse. It's ubiquitous. Obviously, everyone won't X, so then what?”  -J Nelson Leith

It's weird the things that make us nervous. A first date. An interview. Selling a house, buying a house. None of which will kill you. Then, when it's time to drive home late at night an hour or two and you're behind on sleep, no nervousness.

“You become a libertarian when you just want to be left alone. You become something else when you realize they won't.”  –Pete Quinones

Direct download: 2022-05-13_05-39-00.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:50am EDT

"Let's be honest - if men wanted to "control women's bodies," they'd demand an end to Ben & Jerry's and plus-sized clothing" -@Dame_ThugLife

A pro-abortion group has published the addresses of SCOTUS judges' residences. This could go very bad, very fast. And I mean VERY bad.

“That the politicians most outraged by Roe being overturned are all progressives in states with legal abortion underscores the degree to which the progressive world view is not a personal preference, but a moral absolute justifying global domination.”  -Jeremy Kauffman

Direct download: 2022-05-05_17-24-59.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EDT

The guy who attacked Chappelle is, predictably, a maniac. His landlord said of him and his miscreant rapper brother, "I’m just glad they didn’t burn my house down."

People who've never been around bad dudes don't seem to get it. So many victims.

“Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. ” -Aristotle

Direct download: 2022-05-05_03-38-52.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EDT

"Politicians need fears to control the population. Lawyers need dangers to litigate, and make money. The media need scare stories to capture an audience. Together, these three estates are so compelling that they can go about their business even if the scare is totally groundless. If it has no basis in fact at all." -Michael Crichton

Today makes me feel like the only non-pro-life guy in the world who thinks Roe was trash and a national embarrassment. I'm thrilled at the news it may be overturned. Why's it so crazy to think some abortion should be legal AND to actually want to have a damn vote on it?

“Do justice, and let the skies fall.” -Ancient Roman saying

Direct download: 2022-05-03_04-04-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51am EDT